This circuit is suitable for the use of discrete components or integrated circuit mono power amplifier, BTL output can be composed without changing a component. The principle is very simple, which is to use two LM3886 or TDA7294 mono power amplifier boards, use the operational amplifier to change the input signal phase, one input positive signal, the other input negative signal, the two power amplifiers form a BTL circuit, and the output combined power can reach 200W . A home theater must have an active subwoofer. If the output power of the power amplifier board that promotes ultra-low bass can reach 200W, it will emit more powerful and tremendous low frequencies, so it is generally necessary to use BTL output. The circuit diagram is as follows.
Powerbanks are popular for charging smartphones and mobile tablet devices. A powerbank is a portable device that can supply power from its built-in batteries through a USB port. They usually recharge with USB power supply. Technically, a powerbank consists of rechargeable Lithium-ion or Lithium-Polymer batteries installed in a protective casing, guided by a printed circuit board (PCB) which provides various protective and safety measures. Due to its general purpose, powerbanks are also gaining popularity as a branding and promotional tool. Different brands and promotional companies use it as a promotional tool and provide a customized product.
USB Power Bank,Custom PVC Power Bank,Power Bank Charger,Power Bank Portable Charger
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