The ARM processor is the first RISC microprocessor designed by British Acorn Corporation for low power consumption. The full name is Advanced RISC Machine. The ARM processor itself is a 32-bit design, but it also comes with a 16-bit instruction set, which generally saves 35% of the equivalent 32-bit code, but retains all the advantages of a 32-bit system. This article mainly explains the difference between ARM7_ARM9 and ARM11.
The difference between ARM7_ARM9 and ARM111, the clock frequency increase
Although the core architecture is the same, the ARM7 processor uses a von Neumann architecture with a 3-stage pipeline; while ARM9 uses a 5-stage pipelined Harvard architecture, and ARM11 has an 8-stage pipeline Hough architecture (haffer structures are used from arm9). The increased pipeline design improves clock frequency and parallel processing capabilities. A five-stage pipeline can allocate each instruction processing to five clock cycles, and there are five simultaneous instructions in each clock cycle. In the commonly used chip production technology, ARM7 generally runs at about 100MHz, and ARM9 is at least above 200MHz. ARM11 first introduced a 350M~500MHz clock frequency core, which currently rises to 1GHz clock frequency.
2, the improvement of the instruction cycle
The improvement of the instruction cycle is very helpful for improving the performance of the processor. The extent of performance improvement depends on the overlap of instructions when the code is executed, which is actually a problem of the program itself. For the most advanced languages, the performance improvement is generally around 30%.
3, MMU (memory management unit)
ARM7 generally does not have an MMU (memory management unit), (the ARM720T has an MMU).
ARM9 generally has MMU, ARM9940T only MPU, not a complete MMU.
Of course ARM11 also has MMU.
This one is very important, MMU unit is the necessary hardware support for large-scale operating systems, such as LINUX; WINCE. This means that ARM7 can only run small real-time systems such as UCOS-II, eCOS, etc., while ARM9 does not have this limitation, the general operating system can be transplanted. In fact, even if the ARM720T can support LINUX; WINCE and other systems, it is rarely used, because the running speed of this large-scale operating system ARM7, it is a bit difficult. In addition, the application fields of the two are obviously different, and this is not necessary.
The following two figures: The architecture is clear.
4. In the process of transition from ARM7 to ARM9 and ARM11, one thing is very fortunate. ARM9 and ARM11 are backward compatible with ARM7 software; and the programming model and architecture foundation faced by developers are also be consistent.
The following figure is a comparison of some features:
ARM7 Introduction
The ARM7 family includes the ARM7TDMI, ARM7TDMI-S, ARM720T with cached processor macrocells. This series of processors provides the Thumb 16-bit compression instruction set and EmbededICE software debugging methods for larger SoC designs. The ARM7TDMI is based on the ARM architecture V4 version and is currently the low-end ARM core.
ARM7 processor features:
The ARM7 core is a 0.9MIPS/MHz three-stage pipeline and von Neumann architecture that can allocate each instruction processing to three clock cycles with three simultaneous instructions in each clock cycle.
Interlocking technology:
When the data required by the instruction is not prepared because the previous instruction has not been executed, the pipeline interlock interlock will be generated. When a pipe interlock occurs, the hardware stops the execution of this instruction until the data is ready. Although this technique increases code execution time, it provides great convenience to the early designer. Compilers and assembly programmers can reduce the number of pipe interlocks by redesigning the order of the code or other methods.
CPU core:
Small, fast, low power, integrated RISC core for mobile communications.
System expansion:
Provides 32-bit RISC performance at the cost of a 16-bit system, paying particular attention to the very small memory required.
Embedded ICE debugging:
Due to the integration of ICE-like CPU core debug technology, prototype design and system-on-chip debugging have been greatly simplified.
ARM9 Introduction
The ARM9 series processor is a mainstream embedded processor designed by the British ARM company and mainly includes the ARM9TDMI and ARM9E-S series.
ARM9 adopts Harvard architecture, instructions and data belong to different buses and can be processed in parallel. In the assembly line, ARM7 is a three-stage assembly line and ARM9 is a five-stage assembly line. Because of different structure, ARM7 is less efficient than ARM9. Usually referred to as ARM7, ARM9 actually refers to the ARM7TDMI, ARM9TDMI soft core, this processor soft core does not come with MMU and cache, can not run such as linux embedded operating system. The ARM company has extended this architecture, so with the ARM710T, ARM720T, ARM920T, ARM922T and other processor cores with MMU and cache.
ARM9 advantage
1) Improvement of clock frequency
Although the ARM7 and ARM9 cores have the same architecture, the ARM7 processor uses a von Neumann architecture with a 3-stage pipeline; and ARM9 uses a 5-stage pipelined Harvard architecture. The increased pipeline design improves clock frequency and parallel processing capabilities. A five-stage pipeline can allocate each instruction processing to five clock cycles, and there are five simultaneous instructions in each clock cycle. In the commonly used chip production process, ARM7 generally runs at about 100MHz, and ARM9 is at least above 200MHz.
2) Improvement of instruction cycle
The improvement of the instruction cycle is very helpful for improving the performance of the processor. The extent of performance improvement depends on the overlap of instructions when the code is executed, which is actually a problem of the program itself. For the most advanced languages, the performance improvement is generally around 30%.
3) MMU (memory management unit)
ARM7 generally does not have an MMU (memory management unit), (the ARM720T has an MMU).
ARM9 generally has MMU, ARM9940T only MPU, not a complete MMU.
ARM11 Introduction
The ARM11 series of microprocessors is a new generation of RISC processors introduced by ARM in recent years. It is the first design implementation of ARM's new instruction architecture, ARMv6. The series mainly includes ARM1136J, ARM1156T2 and ARM1176JZ three core models, which are for different applications.
ARM11 architecture
The first step in implementing a new generation of microprocessors is to establish a new architecture. The architecture mentioned here merely describes the behavior of the processor and does not include how to specify how the processor is built. The definition of the architecture provides the interface between the processor and the outside world (operating systems, applications, and debugging support). In detail, the processor architecture defines the interface between the instruction set, programming model, and the most recent memory. The latest ARM processor architecture, ARMv6, was released in October 2001 and builds on many of ARM's successful architectures over the past decade. Similar to the authorization of the processor, ARM also authorizes its architecture to the customer. For example, Intel's XScale was formerly an ARMv5TE-based processor.
ARM11 processor core features
The ARM11 processor is designed to efficiently provide high-performance processing capabilities. What needs to be emphasized here is that ARM cannot design a processor that operates at a higher frequency, but rather, it can guarantee the efficiency of power consumption and area while the processor can provide ultra high performance. ARM11's excellent pipeline design is an important guarantee for these features.
ARM11 target application
The ARMv6 architecture is based on the needs of the next generation of consumer electronics, wireless devices, networking applications, and automotive electronics. ARM11's media processing capabilities and low power consumption, especially for wireless and consumer electronics products; its combination of high data throughput and high performance is very suitable for network processing applications; in addition, it is also in real-time performance and floating-point processing, etc. ARM11 Can meet the needs of automotive electronics applications. It can be predicted that ARM11 series processors based on ARMv6 architecture will play an important role in the above-mentioned fields.
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