The market has a broad space of growth, and companies with technological advantages will stand out IGBT is the most rapid development of a new generation of power devices.
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a next-generation power semiconductor discrete device following a bipolar transistor (GTR) and a MOSFET. It combines the advantages of GTR and MOSFETs with easy-to-drive, high peak current capacity, self-turn-off, and switching. The characteristics of high frequency, widely used in small-size, high-efficiency variable frequency power supply, motor speed control, UPS and inverter welding machine, is the most rapid development of a new generation of power devices.
Due to the rapid growth of downstream segmentation application market demand, China has become the world's largest consumer of power semiconductor devices. According to CCID Consulting's statistics, the market size of China's power semiconductor devices reached 121.53 billion yuan in 2009, and the compound annual growth rate of the market from 2005 to 2009 reached 22.42%. The IGBT market accounted for 7.05% of the total market size of power devices. Currently, the market is still in its infancy and applications are still not many. However, as IGBTs represent the technological trend of future power devices, the development speed is very fast. In the future, we will benefit from the vigorous promotion of the inverter industry, the inverter household appliance industry and the rail transit industry. We believe that the domestic IGBT market has very large room for growth. It is expected that the market size in 2011 will reach 6.02 billion yuan, and the growth rate will reach 30%.
At present, the domestic IGBT market is still dominated by foreign companies. The top ten manufacturers are mainly European, American, Japanese and Taiwanese manufacturers, including Fairchild, ST, IR, ON Semiconductor, NS, NXP, Infineon, Toshiba, and Renesas. The gap between China's enterprises in technology, equipment, and talents and foreign companies is very large, and there is a lot of room for improvement in the IGBT product production processes such as chip design, chip manufacturing, module packaging, and single-tube packaging.
We believe that the domestic IGBT industry is in its infancy and that there are relatively few companies accumulating technology in the IGBT chip design, manufacturing, and packaging. Compared with domestic industry technology weaknesses, the domestic IGBT market demand is growing rapidly and has become global The largest IGBT consumer market. This means that the future development direction of domestic enterprises is to enhance the import substitution strength, and to seize the market share with technical strength, price advantage and customer advantage, and the technical strength in this area is the most critical factor. Companies that can provide technical requirements to meet customers will be the first to stand out. Enjoy a feast of industry growth.
On the other hand, the process of certification for the supply of power devices takes a long time. Usually once the customer has approved the upstream supplier, it will not easily change and the cooperation relationship is relatively stable. Therefore, we believe that the investment value of the IGBT industry is most directly reflected in the ability to first break through the bottleneck of the technology to achieve mass production. This is also the standard for us to evaluate the investment value of enterprises.
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