Introduction to Programmable Array Logic PAL

Core Tips for Electronic Enthusiasts: PAL has many different meanings, but in the electronics industry it refers to Programmable Array Logic, which is one of the simple PLDs. Electronic enthusiast network Xiaobian brings everyone to understand in depth what is the basic knowledge of PAL, PAL components, PAL implementation process.

What is PAL?

PAL (Programmable Array Logic) is a low-density, one-time programmable logic device first introduced by MMI in the late 1970s. It is the first programmable logic device with typical practical significance (PLD: Programmable Logic Device). ).

Part of PAL

PAL devices consist of programmable and logic arrays, fixed or logic arrays, and output circuits. The PAL consists of a programmable AND plane and a fixed OR plane, and the output of the OR gate can be selectively placed into a registered state by a flip-flop. Different forms of combinatorial logic functions can be obtained by programming with the logic array. In addition, in some models of PAL devices, the output circuit is provided with a flip-flop and a feedback line from the flip-flop output to the logic array. This PAL device can also conveniently form various sequential logic circuits.

PAL implementation process

The PAL device is field programmable, and its implementation process includes anti-fuse technology, EPROM technology and EEPROM technology. It is fabricated in a bipolar process and programmed in fuses. PAL is a field-programmable gate array logic device in EDA, and the internal circuitry is improved on a PLA basis.

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