The main frequency is the clock frequency of the CPU, which is simply referred to as the operating frequency of the CPU operation (the number of synchronization pulses occurring within one second). The unit is Hz. It determines the speed of the computer. With the development of the computer, the main frequency has evolved from the past MHz to the current GHz (1G=1024M). Generally speaking, in the same series of microprocessors, the higher the primary frequency, the faster the computer's speed, but for different types of processors, it can only be used as a parameter for reference. In addition, the operating speed of the CPU depends on the performance of various aspects of the CPU's pipeline. Because the main frequency does not directly represent the operating speed, under certain circumstances, it is likely that the CPU with higher main frequency will actually have a lower operating speed. Therefore, the clock frequency is only one aspect of the performance of the CPU and does not represent the overall performance of the CPU.
When it comes to processor clock speeds, we must mention two concepts closely related to it: multiplier and FSB, FSB is the CPU's reference frequency, and the unit is MHz. FSB is the speed of synchronous operation between the CPU and the motherboard. , And most of the current computer systems in the FSB is the speed of synchronization between the memory and the motherboard, in this way, it can be understood as the CPU FSB directly connected with the memory, to achieve the synchronization between the two The frequency multiplier is the multiple of the ratio of the main frequency to the FSB. Main frequency, FSB, frequency multiplication, and its relation: main frequency = FSB × frequency multiplier. The early CPU did not have the concept of "multiplication". At that time, the speed of the main frequency and the system bus was the same. With the development of technology, the CPU speed is getting faster and faster. Memory, hard disks and other accessories can't keep up with the speed of the CPU. The frequency multiplier solves this problem. It allows memory and other components to work relatively low. The frequency of the system bus, and the main frequency of the CPU can be infinitely increased by the frequency multiplier (theoretically). We can regard the FSB as a production line in the machine, and the frequency multiplier is the number of production lines. The speed of production of a machine (main frequency) is naturally the speed of the production line (FSB) multiplied by the number of production lines. (frequency multiplier). Nowadays, most manufacturers have already locked their frequency multipliers. To overclock only from the FSB, use the frequency multiplier and FSB to match the motherboard jumper or set soft overclocking in the BIOS to achieve the overall performance of the computer. Promote. So pay attention to the CPU's FSB when buying.