The wireless projection function means that the projector is connected to the local area network through a standard wireless transmission protocol so as to realize management, control, fault diagnosis, and the like in the local area network. The computer that is in the same LAN as the wireless projector can perform operations on the projector through authorization. For example, the projector in the conference room can be controlled directly in the office.
Wireless projection has two connection modes: Easy connect mode and Access point mode. The so-called simple connection mode is that the computer directly communicates with the wireless network card of the projector through the wireless network card, and no other equipment is needed in the middle. The access point connection mode is through the computer through the wireless gateway and the projector for signal transmission.
Currently, most wireless network projections on the market have the function of no PC presentation, support for USB memory, and PC memory card, enabling PC-free application solutions. In a wireless local area network, the projector can realize one-on-one, many-to-one, and one-to-many connection projection functions with the computer.
optical time-domain reflectometers
TTI Fiber Communication Tech. Co., Ltd. ,