Detailed stm32 CAN controller (program sharing)

First, briefly introduce the CAN bus, who invented the CAN bus, the history of the CAN bus, the development of the CAN bus, the application of the CAN bus, and these do not say. Here is my personal understanding, simply talk about CAN communication. The end of the CAN bus has no address (unless you define the address in the frame yourself). The CAN bus communication does not use an address. Instead of using an identifier, who is sent to whom, it is always sent to the entire network. Each node then has a filter that filters the identifiers of the propagated frames on the network, what kind of frames it wants, sets its own filters, and receives relevant frame information. What if two nodes send at the same time? This does not need us to worry, CAN controller will arbitrate by oneself, let high-priority frame start.

Then we can understand the CAN controller of stm32.

Detailed stm32 CAN controller (program sharing)

As shown in the above figure, stm32 has two can controllers, can1 (master), and can2 (slave), in which the filter settings are set by can1, and other operating modes, such as baud rate, can be set individually. Each controller has three sending mailboxes, two fifos, and three receiving mailboxes per fifo.

Send: Select an empty send mailbox, write the frame information to the register of the send mailbox, request to send, and the controller will send the frames in order according to the priority of the identifier.

Receive: If the identifier of the received frame can be filtered by a series of filtering tables, the frame information will be stored in the register of the fifo receiving mailbox.

Filter: There are 28 filters in stm32f407. Each set of filters can be set to fifo0 or fifo1. Each set includes two 32-bit memories, which can be configured as a 32-bit identifier filter, or two 32-bit fully-matched identifier filters, or two 16-bit, bit-masked identifier filters, or four 16-bit, fully matched identifier filters. As shown below:

Detailed stm32 CAN controller (program sharing)

What I mean by exact match is that the identifier of the received frame must be the same as the corresponding bit of the filter in order to pass this filter. A bit masking function means a register identifier, a mask mask, and the bit of the identifier of the received frame corresponding to the bit with the mask mask of 1 is the same as the bit of the register corresponding to the identifier. Can pass.

Transmitting a one-bit time and baud rate calculation:

Detailed stm32 CAN controller (program sharing)

The baud rate of CAN controller is determined by TS2[3:0], TS1[2:0] and BRP[9:0] of APB clock line and CAN bit timing register CAN_BTR, among them, TS1[2:0] It defines how many time units are occupied by time period 1, TS2[3:0] defines how many time units are occupied by time period 2, and BRP[9:0] defines the frequency division of APB1 clock.

PS: set the baud rate to 1M

Detailed stm32 CAN controller (program sharing)

Where Tpclk is the APB1 clock period, assuming

Tpclk = 1/42M




According to the above data, there are


Let BRP = 2, there is


Let TS1=8, TS2=3

Setup steps:

1. Set the interrupt priority grouping (if not set before), this is best set once at the beginning of a program.

2. Enable the relevant GPIO clock.

3. Select the alternate function of the relevant GPIO pin.

4. Set the related GPIO pin to multiplex mode.

5. Set the speed and mode of the related GPIO pins.

6. Set main control register MCR to enter initialization mode

7. Wait for initialization mode

8. Set the baud rate.

9. Other settings.

10. If an interrupt is to be used, enable the relevant interrupt response in the interrupt enable register IER.

11. If you want to use interrupts, set the relevant interrupt priority (NVIC_IP).

12. If an interrupt is to be used, enable the relevant interrupt (NVIC_ISER).

13. Set the main control register MCR to enter normal operating mode.

14. Set the FMR so that the filter group works in initialization mode.

15. Set the FMR CAN2SB to determine from which group the CAN2 filter group starts.

16. Set the working mode of the used filter group.

17. Set the bit width of the filter group used.

18. Divide (associate) filter groups for fifo0 and fifo2.

19. Disable the filter group used.

20. Set filter group identifier, frame type, etc.

21. Enable the relevant filter group.

22. Set the FMR so that the filter group operates in normal mode.

23. If you want to use interrupts, write interrupt service functions (function names are fixed).

24. Check which interrupt is in the interrupt service function.

25. Write corresponding service procedures.

Circuits See this blog: Gadgets - CAN Transceivers


[plain] view plaincopy/************************************

Title: Exercises for CAN operation

Software Platform: IAR for ARM6.21

Hardware platform: stm32f4-discovery

Frequency: 168M

Description: Connect CAN1, CAN2 via hardware transceiver

A network of two endpoints

CAN1 cycle sends data frames

CAN2 Receive Filter Data Frame

Receive CAN2 with uart

Data frames sent to the HyperTerminal

Author: boat



#include "stm32f4xx.h"

#include "MyDebugger.h"


U32 CAN2_receive_buffer[RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE][4];

U8 UART_send_buffer[1800];

U8 Consumer = 0;

U8 Producer = 0;

U32 Gb_TImingDelay;

Void Delay(uint32_t nTIme);

Void TIM7_init();//timing 1s

U32 get_rece_data();

Void CAN_GPIO_config();

Void main ()


U32 empty_box;

SysTIck_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000); // Set systemtick one millisecond interrupt

SCB-"AIRCR = 0x05FA0000 | 0x400; // Interrupt Priority Packet Preemption: Response = 3:1



MyDebugger_Message( "testing....". )

Sizeof("testing.. ...")/sizeof(char) );


RCC-"APB1ENR |= ((1 "25"|(1 "" 26)); // Enable the CAN1, CAN2 clock

CAN1-"MCR = 0x00000000;


Request to enter initialization mode

Disable automatic retransmission of messages

Automatic wake-up mode


CAN1-"MCR |= ((1 "") | (1 "" 4) | (1 "" 5));

CAN1-"MCR &= ~(1 ""16);//At debugging, CAN works as usual

While(!(CAN1-"MSR & 0xfffffffe)) //waits to enter initialization mode


MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, on);


MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, off);


Normal mode

Resynchronize jump width (1+1)tq





Tq = (BRP[9:0] + 1) x tPCLK,

tBS2 = tq x (TS2[2:0] + 1),

tBS1 = tq x (TS1[3:0] + 1),

NominalBitTime = 1 × tq+tBS1+tBS2,

BaudRate = 1 / NominalBitTime

Baud rate is set to 1M


CAN1-"BTR = ((0, "30" | (0x01 "" 24) | (3 "" 20) | (8 "" 16) | (2 "" 0));

CAN1-"MCR &= ~(0x00000001);//normal working mode

CAN2-"MCR = 0x00000000;


Request to enter initialization mode

Disable automatic retransmission of messages

Automatic wake-up mode


CAN2-"MCR |= ((1 "") | (1 "" 4) | (1 "" 5));

CAN2-"MCR &= ~(1 ""16);//In debugging, CAN works as usual

While(!(CAN2-"MSR & 0xfffffffe)) //waits to enter initialization mode


MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, on);


MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, off);


Normal mode

Resynchronize jump width (1+1)tq





Tq = (BRP[9:0] + 1) x tPCLK,

tBS2 = tq x (TS2[2:0] + 1),

tBS1 = tq x (TS1[3:0] + 1),

NominalBitTime = 1 × tq+tBS1+tBS2,

BaudRate = 1 / NominalBitTime

Baud rate is set to 1M


CAN2-"BTR = ((0, "30" | (0x01 "" 24) | (3 "" 20) | (8 "" 16) | (2 "" 0));

CAN2-"IER &= 0x00000000;


FIFO1 message registration interrupt enable

FIFO1 full interrupt enable

FIFO1 overflow interrupt enable


CAN2-"IER |= ((1 "4"|(1 "5"|(1 ""6));

NVIC-"IP[65] = 0xa0; // Preempt priority 101, response priority 0

NVIC-"ISER[2] |= (1 "1"; //Enable interrupt line 65, that is, can2_rx1 interrupt

CAN2-"MCR &= ~(0x00000001);//normal working mode

//There are 28 filters in total

CAN1-"FMR |= 1; //Filter group works in initialization mode

CAN1-"FMR &= 0xffffc0ff;//CAN2 filter group starts from 14.

CAN1-"FMR |= (14""8);

CAN1-"FM1R |= (1 "" 14); / / Filter group 14 registers work in the identifier list mode

// The bit width is 16 bits, 2 32 bits are divided into four 16-bit registers, filter four identifiers

//CAN1-"FS1R |= (1, "15");//Filter group 15 is a single 32-bit register for extended identifiers

CAN1-"FFA1R = 0x0fffc000;//0~13 filter group is associated with fifo0, and 14~27 filter group is associated with fifo1

CAN1-"FA1R &= ~(1 "14"; //Disable filter group 14


The filter group 0 register is divided into 4 16-bit filters:

List of identifiers:

Filter Number Match Standard Identifier RTR IDE EXID[17:15]

0 0x7cb (111 1100 1011b) Data Frame Standard Identifier 000b

1 0x4ab (100 1010 1011b) Data frame standard identifier 000b

2 0x7ab (111 1010 1011b) data frame standard identifier 000b

3 0x40b (100 0000 1011b) data frame standard identifier 000b


CAN1-"sFilterRegister[14].FR1 &= 0x00000000;

CAN1-"sFilterRegister[14].FR2 &= 0x00000000;

CAN1-"sFilterRegister[14].FR1 |= ((0x7cb ""5)|(0 ""4)| (0 ""3));

CAN1-"sFilterRegister[14].FR1 |= ((0x4ab "21"|(0 "20"| (0 "" 19));

CAN1-"sFilterRegister[14].FR2 |= ((0x7ab ""5)|(0 ""4)| (0 ""3));

CAN1-"sFilterRegister[14].FR2 |= ((0x40b "21"|(0 "20" | (0 "" 19));

CAN1-"FA1R |= (1 "" 14); // Enable Filter Set 14

CAN1-"FMR &= ~1; //Filter group is working properly




Select empty sending email:

Standard identifier 0x7ab (111 1010 1011b)

Data Frame

Do not use extended identifiers


If( CAN1- )TSR & ((1 "26"|(1 "" 27)| (1 "" 28)))


Empty_box = ((CAN1-"TSR" 24) & 0x00000003);

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR = (0x7ab "21";

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR &= 0xfffffff0;

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR |= 0x00000008;// Send data length is 8

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDLR = 0x12345678;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDHR = 0x9abcdef0;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR |= (1""0";//Request to send




MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, on);




Select empty sending email:

Standard identifier 0x4ab (100 1010 1011b)

Data Frame

Do not use extended identifiers


If( CAN1- )TSR & ((1 "26"|(1 "" 27)| (1 "" 28)))


Empty_box = ((CAN1-"TSR" 24) & 0x00000003);

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR = (0x4ab "21");

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR &= 0xfffffff0;

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR |= 0x00000008;// Send data length is 8

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDLR = 0x56781234;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDHR = 0x9abcdef0;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR |= (1""0";//Request to send




MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, on);




Select empty sending email:

Standard identifier 0x7cb (100 1010 1011b)

Data Frame

Do not use extended identifiers


If( CAN1- )TSR & ((1 "26"|(1 "" 27)| (1 "" 28)))


Empty_box = ((CAN1-"TSR" 24) & 0x00000003);

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR = (0x7cb "21");

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR &= 0xfffffff0;

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR |= 0x00000006;//Send data length is 6

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDLR = 0x56781234;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDHR = 0x00009abc;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR |= (1""0";//Request to send




MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, on);




Select empty sending email:

Standard identifier 0x40b (100 0000 1011b)

Data Frame

Do not use extended identifiers


If( CAN1- )TSR & ((1 "26"|(1 "" 27)| (1 "" 28)))


Empty_box = ((CAN1-"TSR" 24) & 0x00000003);

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR = (0x40b"21");

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR &= 0xfffffff0;

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDTR |= 0x00000004;//Send data length is 4

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDLR = 0x56781234;

CAN1->>sTxMailBox[empty_box].TDHR = 0x00000000;

CAN1-"sTxMailBox[empty_box].TIR |= (1""0";//Request to send




MyDebugger_LEDs(orange, on);






Function Name: CAN_GPIO_config

Parameters: None

Return value: None

Function: Set CAN1, 2 controller to use IO port






Void CAN_GPIO_config()


RCC-"AHB1ENR |= ((1 "1" | (1 "3)); // Enable GPIOB, D clock

GPIOB-"AFR[0] |= 0x00900000; //AF9

GPIOB-"AFR[1] |= 0x00900009;

GPIOD-"AFR[0] |= 0x00000090;

GPIOB-"MODER &= 0xF3FCF3FF; //Second function

GPIOB-"MODER |= 0x08020800;


GPIOD-"MODER |= 0x00000008;


GPIOB-"OSPEEDR |= 0x08020800;


GPIOD-"OSPEEDR |= 0x00000008;

GPIOB-"PUPDR &= 0xF3FCF3FF; //Pull up

GPIOB-"PUPDR |= 0x04010400;


GPIOD-"PUPDR |= 0x00000004;



Function Name: CAN2_RX1_IRQHandler

Parameters: None

Return value: None

Function: CAN2fifo1 receive interrupt processing

Store information in a circular queue


Void CAN2_RX1_IRQHandler()


If(CAN2-"RF1R & (0x00000003)) // Received new message, fifo1 is not empty



If(Producer == RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE)Producer = 0;

If(Producer != Consumer)


CAN2_receive_buffer[Producer][0] = CAN2-"sFIFOMailBox[1].RIR;

CAN2_receive_buffer[Producer][1] = CAN2-"sFIFOMailBox[1].RDTR;

CAN2_receive_buffer[Producer][2] = CAN2->>sFIFOMailBox[1].RDLR;

CAN2_receive_buffer[Producer][3] = CAN2->>sFIFOMailBox[1].RDHR;




If(Producer == 0)Producer = RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE;


MyDebugger_LEDs(blue, on);


CAN2-"RF1R |= (1""5);//Release Mailbox


If(CAN2-"RF1R & (1 ""3))//fifo0 full


MyDebugger_LEDs(red, on);

CAN2-"RF1R &= ~(1 ""3);


If(CAN2-"RF1R & (1 "4") //fifo0 overflow


MyDebugger_LEDs(red, on);

CAN2-"RF1R &= ~(1 ""4);




Function name: TIM7_init

Parameters: None

Return value: None

Function: Initialize Timer 7

For 1s timing


Void TIM7_init()


RCC-"APB1ENR |= (1 "5"; //Open TIM7 clock

TIM7-"PSC = 8399; // Divides the clock 84M by 8400, making the counting frequency 10k

TIM7-"ARR = 10000; //Time one second

TIM7-"CNT = 0; / / clear the counter

TIM7-"CR1 |= (1 "7"; //Automatic reload preload enable

TIM7-"DIER |= 1; //Enable interrupts

NVIC-"IP[55] = 0xe0;

NVIC-"ISER[1] |= (1 "(55-32));

TIM7-"CR1 |= 1; //Start timing



Function Name: TIM7_IRQHandler

Parameters: None

Return value: None

Function: Timer 7 interrupt processing

1s is scheduled to

Convert the information received by can2

Send usrt to super terminal display


Void TIM7_IRQHandler(void)


U32 length;



Length = get_rece_data();

MyDebugger_Message( UART_send_buffer, length );

TIM7-"SR &= ~(0x0001);




Function Name: get_rece_data

Parameters: None

Return value: length The length of the data to be sent after collation

Function: take out the circular queue information

Perform format conversion

Save information to uart send buffer


U32 get_rece_data()


U8 filter_No;

U8 Data_length;

Char i;

U32 length = 0;

Const char ascii[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',

'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};



If(Producer != Consumer)



If(Consumer == RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE)Consumer=0;

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

//Filter No.xx

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'F';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'i';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'l';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'r';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ' ';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'N';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'o';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '. ';

filter_No = (CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][1]" "8) & 0x000000ff;

UART_send_buffer[length++] = filter_No%100/10 + '0';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = filter_No%10 + '0';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';


UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'D';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'L';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'n';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'g';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'h';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ':';

Data_length = CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][1] & 0x0000000f;

UART_send_buffer[length++] = Data_length % 10 + '0';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

If(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] & (1<<1))


UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'R';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'm';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'o';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'F';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'r';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'm';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';




UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'D';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'F';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'r';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'm';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';


UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

If(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] & (1<<2))


UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'e';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'x';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ' ';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'I';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'D';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ':';

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 31];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 27) & 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 23)& 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 19)& 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 15)& 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 11)& 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] 》” 7)& 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 3)& 0x0000000f];




UART_send_buffer[length++] = 's';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'd';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ' ';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'I';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'D';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ':';

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 29];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 25)& 0x0000000f];

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][0] ”” 21)& 0x0000000f];


UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'D';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 't';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = 'a';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = ':';

If(Data_length ) 4


For(i = 2*Data_length - 8; i ” 0; i--)

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][3] 》( (i-1)*4))& 0x0000000f];

For(i = 8; i ” 0; i--)

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][2] 》( (i-1)*4))& 0x0000000f];




For(i = 2*Data_length; i ” 0; i--)

UART_send_buffer[length++] =

Ascii[(CAN2_receive_buffer[Consumer][2] 》( (i-1)*4))& 0x0000000f];


UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';

UART_send_buffer[length++] = '';





Return length;


Void Delay(uint32_t nTime)


Gb_TimingDelay = nTime;

While(Gb_TimingDelay != 0);


Void SysTick_Handler(void)


If (Gb_TimingDelay != 0x00)





operation result:

Detailed stm32 CAN controller (program sharing)


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